“If every little girl in the world had the opportunity to experience the evolution of growth and confidence the STEEM Sisters are, the world would be a better place!”
-Janie Quilici, STEEM parent


On the last Monday in March, MNHC naturalists Kelli and Bailey held a virtual meeting for the STEEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Environment, Math) Sisters Collaborative. Five sixth graders, nominated by their 5th-grade teachers at the end of the 2018-2019 school year, have gotten to know each other and Kelli and Bailey over the last year. These gals have formed an impressive bond that has allowed them to support each other as they have set personal and academic goals that they consistently reach with grace and enthusiasm.

At Monday’s meeting, the girls discussed a few articles sent to them the week prior that highlighted some of the silver linings for the environment that are attributed to social distancing required by Covid-19. The girls will be serving as mentors for the next group of upcoming 6th graders at their summer institute this July, which will be focused on sustainability. The girls connected the articles they read to this theme, while keeping a light, friendly conversation based on mutual respect and friendship.

“I just wanted to let you know know how much I appreciate Kelli and Bailey and all of the work you both do to stay connected with the STEEM Girls – especially during this very strange and different time we are living in,” writes one STEEM Sister’s parent. “My daughter is desperately missing her friends and being able to be in school, but talks of a live chat meeting with her ‘sisters’ has given her something to look forward to. You two are such a gift to this group of girls. Thank you for sharing yourselves with them!”

Bailey and Kelli have really enjoyed getting to work with this group of incredible ladies and are looking forward to another summer institute with a new cohort of upcoming 6th graders that will join the STEEM Program in just a few months.

Memories from last summer:

Learning about the physics of flight at Neptune Aviation.

Leading a science activity for young children at spectrUM.